Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The pain of converting an ASP web site to a web application

       Microsoft confused a lot of people when they changed the solution type for web sites in VS2005. After this they realized that this was nowhere near perfection so they reintroduced the web application model (the one which have the solution file) in VS2005 SP1 and VS2008.
      The problem this caused is that in certain situations we must convert some legacy sites from the web site model to the web application one. There already exists a pretty good tutorial for this, but it's minimizing some pretty important steps.
      If you need to convert a web site to the web application model you must be really careful with the step in which you add the required namespaces. First of all, this will take a while depending on the size of the site, secondly it creates some issues not easily found at first:
  • If you have Register directives like this one:
<%@ Register Namespace="FancyControls" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
you will need to add  the assembly property:
<%@ Register Namespace="FancyControls" TagPrefix="cc1" Assembly="SiteControls" %>
otherwise your controls won't be recognized and you will get "Element not known error" message.
  • You must update the javascript code which is calling Ajax methods in order to add the required namespaces.
This process is pretty painful, I will update this post if other issues pop-up.

Good luck at converting.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Reading List

With so much information around is pretty hard to stay focused and concentrate on what you are studying, at least I'm affected by this :(
In order to solve this, the following reading list I hope will help me stay focused :)
Some of them are already read, but it will be good if I will read them again from time to time.

So here it goes:

More to come.

Happy reading.

Hello World

This seems to be my first blog post... I hope there would be more in the future :).
What can you expect to find in this blog: related and unrelated posts about programming, operating systems, games, book reviews, some thoughts about me and what not :).
Currently I'm a software developer at Macadamian Romania, learning the nuts and bolts about software construction and trying to improve myself.
The word says that you learn a lot by blogging, so here I am, trying new ways to learn and add my contribution to this live thing called internet.

Enjoy the ride and happy coding.